Articles and broadcasts about egmdss.com
- 2010-12-01 - United Kingdom - Nautilus Telegraph: Just click to certificate
- 2010-11-18 - Slovenia - RTV SLO; Med valovi: Komunikacija na morju
- 2010-11-17 - Slovenia - Primorske novice: S spletom do večje varnosti na morju
- 2010-11-12 - Slovenia - RTV SLO; O morju in pomorščakih
- 2010-11-09 - Slovenia - RTV SLO: Primorska kronika
- 2010-10-26 - Niue - Young Maritime International: New free online maritime course at www.egmdss.com
- 2010-10-20 - Poland - Transport System Telematics international conference: New free online maritime course at www.egmdss.com
- 2010-10-01 - Italy - Porto&Diporto; formazione: EGMDSS VET
- 2010-10-01 - Turkey - Ekim: European GMDSS e-learning Platform
- 2010-10-01 - Slovenia - Val Navtika; z vseh vetrov: Nov brezplačni tečaj
- 2010-09-24 - Netherlands - Maritime Press Clippings: New free online maritime course at www.egmdss.com; Long Range Certificate course
- 2010-09-01 - Netherlands - Cornelis Douwes: Nieuwe cursussen MIWB voorhet voetlicht
- 2010-06-16 - United Kingdom - HPAS 2010 Improve the performance of seagoing crew
- 2010-05-31 - Poland - Polskie Radio Szczecin: Informatyka na morzu
- 2010-05-01 - United Kingdom - Royal Institute of Navigation, Fairway: Towards eGMDSS
- 2010-04-21 - Slovenia - 8th international science symposium: E-LEARNING OF COMMUNICATIONS AT SEA
- 2010-04-01 - Poland - Scientific Journals: Vocational training in retaining of LRC competences
- 2010-03-29 - Slovenia - ISEP 2010: Project E-GMDSS VET
- 2009-12-01 - Slovenia - Diplomsko delo: E-izobraževanje
- 2009-09-07 - Ghana - IMLA 17: Encouraging research in training institutions
- 2009-09-07 - Ghana - IMLA 17: New methodologies and technologies in MET
- 2008-12-31 - Poland - Scientific Journals: Internet based GMDSS course
- 2008-10-01 - Netherlands - NHL magazine: Maritiem Instituut ontwikkelt online cursus
- 2008-09-19 - Slovenia - Primorske novice (Istra): Učenje prek interneta
- 2008-09-15 - Greece - Naftemporiki: egmdss.com - src
- 2008-09-01 - Netherlands - Cornelis Douwes: Het Leonardo da Vinci EGMDSS project: gratis 'online' bijblijven
- 2008-09-01 - Italy - Vela e motore: Comunicazioni Gmdss, corso gratis
- 2008-09-01 - Italy - Technologie trasporti mare: Progetto Da Vinci e corsi Short Range
- 2008-09-01 - Italy - Technologie trasporti mare: egmdss.com
- 2008-09-01 - Italy - Porto & Diporto (formazione): Progetto europeo per la formazione professionale
- 2008-08-01 - United Kingdom - Nautilus UK Telegraph: On the button (communications)
- 2008-08-01 - Turkey - Turkish Shipping Wolrd: GMDSS'in En Kolay Yolu - The Easisest Way of GMDSS Communication
- 2008-07-01 - Slovenia - Val navtika (nasveti): Komunikacija GMDSS
- 2008-05-01 - Finland - Navigare (koulutus): eGMDSS-verkko-opetusohjelma
- 2007-03-23 - Spain - La Voz (sociedad): Ciencias Nauticas paticipa en un proyecto europeo para salvar vidas en el mar
- 2007-01-26 - Spain - Boletin mensual sobre innovacion y transferencia proyectos: EGMDSS e-learning system, un proyecto europeo para salvar vidas en el mar
- 2007-01-01 - Poland - The Maritime Worker: EGMDSS - E-learning system
- 2007-01-01 - Poland - Akademickie Aktualnosci Morskie: EGMDSS - E-learning system
- 2006-12-01 - Slovenia - Val navtika (z vseh vetrov): E-learning system
- 2006-10-01 - Slovenia - Navtika kapital (med valovi): E-učenje Spinaker
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This site has been chosen as one of 9 best from 443 e-learning resources in the "My favorite e-learning resources" contest (16.6.2006 - an European Commission initiative elearningeuropa.info).
I can refresh the VHF radio operations and not be restrained by the class timetables or the cost of a tutor. It is fantastic! VHF simulator is great!
- Thomas Bryant, Southampton, UK
I have been using egmdss.com for over one week now, and I am finding it very effective. I like the fact that I can learn anytime from anywhere, for example, completing a quick ten-minute lesson during my lunch break.
- Marco Sesanna, Napoli, Italy
We are using egmdss.com as the additional learning material for our GMDSS courses. Students are very happy as they can use available simulators at any time.
- GMDSS VET provider, Netherlands
I have been trying to find any useful way to motivate my students before the lectures for a long time. When I found egmdss.com my problem was resolved. They must take motivating quizzes at least two days before the lectures starts. I have all their results, so we can focus the lectures to the detected knowledge gaps. This is the reason that my students don't find my lectures boring.
- GMDSS VET provider, Poland